
viernes, 13 de abril de 2012

perdimos a Harry Styles!

Esto es una cosa que nos sucedio hace unos dias:
Estabamos en el centro comercial y nos compramos una revista en la que habia una pegatina de HARRY STYLES, leimos la revista y fuimos a dar una vuelta por el centro comercial. De repente nos damos cuenta de que ¡habiamos perdido la pegatina! no nos lo podiamos creer habiamos perdido a HARRY STYLES, asi que lo teniamos que encontrar. Buscamos por todo el centro comercial, fuimos a donde habiamos ido antes, preguntamos a gente; pero no lo encontramos. :`(
This is a thing that happened a few days ago: We were at the mall and we bought a magazine that had a sticker of HARRY STYLES, we read the magazine and went for a walk around the mall. Suddenly we realize that we had lost the sticker! We could not believe we had lost HARRY STYLES, so what we had to find. We search the mall, we went to where we had gone before, we asked people, but we did not find the sticker. : `(
 We were at the mall and we bought a magazine that had a sticker of HARRY STYLES, we read the magazine and went for a walk around the mall. Suddenly we realize that we had lost the sticker! We could not believe we had lost HARRY STYLES, so what we had to find. We search the mall, we went to where we had gone before, we asked people, but we did  not find the sticker. : `(

1 comentario:

  1. This is a thing that happened a few days ago:

    We were at the mall and we bought a magazine that had a sticker of HARRY STYLES, we read the magazine and went for a walk around the mall. Suddenly we realize that we had lost the sticker! We could not believe we had lost HARRY STYLES, so what we had to find. We search the mall, we went to where we had gone before, we asked people, but we did not find the sticker. : `(
